Advancing the EMS profession
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PHTLS Courses

The following PHTLS courses are offered to address the needs of providers and instructors:

  • Provider Course: 16-hour course for EMTs, paramedics, nurses, physician assistants, physicians and other prehospital providers.  Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as PHTLS providers for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit.  This course may be offered as a classroom course, or a hybrid course where students take 8 hours of the course online followed by 8 hours in the classroom. 

  • Refresher Course:  8-hour classroom course for individuals who have successfully completed the 16 hour PHTLS provider course within the past four years.  Current PHTLS provider certificate or wallet card required. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit. 

  • PHTLS for First Responders – PHTLS-FR – Provider Course:  PHTLS for First Responders (PHTLS-FR)is an 8-hour classroom course that takes the world-class trauma care content from the 9th edition of PHTLS and delivers it in a style that is relevant to and accessible by first responders, including emergency medical responders (EMR), firefighters, rescue personnel and law enforcement officers. Covering life-saving interventions such as hemorrhage control and airway management, this course teaches critical trauma concepts, demonstrates skills, and walks students through potential patient scenarios. Course materials include a student manual, providing students with access to these important concepts long after the course is over. Upon successful completion of this course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card good for 4 years and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.

  • Online PHTLS Module: 8-hour online module that covers the didactic portion of the 16 hour provider course. Upon successful completion of the module, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.

  • Instructor Update: 4-hour course for current PHTLS instructors that provides a comprehensive overview of content and features of a new edition of PHTLS. This course is offered in a classroom format in conjunction with EMS World Expo, and subsequently as an online course. This course is required with each new edition of PHTLS to maintain current instructor status.

Students interested in taking this course can view Locate a Course for upcoming courses in your area, or contact an authorized training center in your area.