In Memoriam – Patrick F. Moore
January 27, 1949 – September 4, 2017
NAEMT is very saddened by the sudden loss of a great NAEMT leader, passionate patient care professional, and true friend, Pat Moore of Conway, Arkansas.
View Pat's Obituary
Pat was a longstanding and dedicated member of NAEMT for over 35 years. He served our association as a member and chair of several NAEMT committees, and served on the NAEMT Board of Directors for 19 years. He was NAEMT’s President from 2009-2010. Most recently, Pat served as the Coroner for Faulkner County. A colleague said, Pat was “the best Coroner in Arkansas… he had the biggest heart.”
Pat became an EMT more than 40 years ago and his interest in medical care extended beyond that. He met his wife, Leslie, while she was studying to be an EMT and together, they eventually ran the Conway office of MedicVac of Arkansas and worked as EMS instructors. Pat went on to work for Emergency Response Team as an EMT-Intermediate.
Pat was recognized as a strong EMS leader in his home state of Arkansas, and across the country. Pat’s leadership of NAEMT came at a time of great change in healthcare and for EMS. Recognizing the need for a stronger presence on Capitol Hill, Pat led the NAEMT Board to begin our annual EMS On The Hill Day, with the first of these events being held in 2010 and uniting EMS professionals from around the country in advocacy.
Under Pat’s steady leadership, NAEMT launched the EMS Safety course, a program that is critical in the protection of EMS practitioners and their patients; published the first edition of the NAEMT Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) and the seventh edition of the NAEMT Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) textbooks; and began offering the U.S. Department of Defense, Committee on TCCC’s Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course through NAEMT’s network of training centers. He drove the creation of numerous position statements on important issues, such as EMS safety standards and patient safety, operational and domestic preparedness, the medical direction and oversight of EMS systems, Medicare reimbursement of EMS services, and supporting the extension of Public Safety Officers’ Benefits program to include all practitioners.
Pat’s strong leadership was founded in his ability to reach out and establish personal connections with NAEMT members, and EMS leaders at the state and national levels. He had a very warm, welcoming personality that helped draw members to our cause.
NAEMT President Dennis Rowe said, “Pat Moore was an easy-going, natural leader. He could charm you into doing what he needed you to do and make it your idea. His success, in my opinion, came from striving to do the right thing. You couldn’t help but want to help him achieve his goals, because he made it our goals. Your family and extended family will miss your guidance and infectious smile.”
Jerry Johnston, NAEMT 2006-2008 past president, noted, “Pat was welcoming, warm and genuinely engaging. We quickly became friends and I could always rely on his sage counsel, as I worked my way toward the presidency of NAEMT. His support was unwavering. I, like so many others in the EMS community, am shocked and saddened by his passing. I cannot put into words what he meant to me and to NAEMT.”
Ken Bouvier, NAEMT 2004-2006 past president, added: “Pat Moore stumbled into EMS at a young age by helping the local Sheriff rescue people in a wooded area with a large high mud truck he owned… and the rest is history! He was hooked on EMS and over his years as an EMT and Instructor, he helped to improve the quality of life in Arkansas. As President of NAEMT, his leadership helped to improve our profession. When you walk on a beach you leave footprints in the sand. Pat Moore has left his footprints on our hearts.”
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at NAEMT, we express our deepest condolences to Pat’s wife, Leslie, his children and grandchildren. Pat made an indelible mark on our association and on many of our members. He will be remembered for his love of EMS and NAEMT, his strong sense for “doing the right thing,” and for his true friendship. Pat Moore will be greatly missed.