Advancing the EMS profession


The purpose of NAEMT's Advocacy program is to represent our members on the issues that impact the EMS work environment and the ability of EMS practitioners to effectively serve their patients. We advocate to advance the interests of our profession and our patients.

Through advocacy, we help ensure that the EMS perspective is understood and incorporated into the policies, plans and programs of our government and other national institutions. We voice our concerns when actions are being considered that would have an adverse effect on our members and their patients. And, we promote EMS professionalism and our image within the EMS and medical communities.  
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Contact your congressional representative, view the details of current legislation, or find elections in your state with this simple grassroots advocacy service!

What is EMS?

What Is EMS? provides an introduction to EMS and is designed to help our communities, elected officials, and stakeholders better understand our profession. Please share it in your community.

Art of Advocacy

NAEMT's The Art of Advocacy presentation provides basic strategies for developing an advocacy plan, and suggestions for connecting and communicating with elected leaders.


The NAEMT Grassroots Advocacy Guide provides strategies, tips and techniques to help you influence the decisions that impact EMS and our patients.