At ASPR TRACIE, we know many of our partners and stakeholders are still recovering from effects of past hurricanes. We encourage you to access the resources in ourSelect Hurricane-Related Resourcespage andNatural DisastersTopic Collection. Flu season is also underway, and we hope that our documentConsiderations for the Use of Temporary Surge Sites for Managing Seasonal Patient Surgeand a short related video fromLehigh Valley Health Systemhelp make your jobs easier.
October is also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We invite you to review our Topic Collection, Exchangeissue, and webinar where experts discuss preparing for and responding to healthcare cyber threats.
This issue of The Express highlights a recently scheduled webinar, new ASPR TRACIE resources, upcoming events, and domain updates.
Register Today! Hospital-Based Incident Command Systems: Real Experiences and Practical Applications
Hospital-based incident command systems (e.g., HICS) have been used formally in U.S. hospitals since the late 1970’s as a way to manage incidents, coordinate resources and communications, and collaborate with community-based response agencies. ASPR TRACIE is hosting a webinar (November 14, from 1:30-3:00pm ET) that will begin with an overview and history of hospital-based incident command systems, then feature speakers from three large healthcare organizations who have experienced a recent emergency and activated their hospital-based incident command systems. The speakers will provide a brief overview of the incident, describe how they implemented their incident command system, share lessons learned, and discuss how they have incorporated these lessons into their current systems and plans.Register today!
New! Major Earthquakes: Potential Health and Medical Implications
Earthquakes can significantly damage or disrupt a community’s infrastructure (e.g., utilities, levees, communications technology, healthcare facilities, and chemical / nuclear power plants). Such damage may lead to secondary radiological or other hazardous materials incidents; transportation and supply chain (including those for food and medicines) disruption; and financial and insurance losses. Pre-event living and employment conditions may be significantly altered, and healthcare facilities and providers may not be accessible for an extended period of time.This ASPR TRACIE resourceprovides an overview of the potential significant health and medical response and recovery needs facing areas affected by a major earthquake with or without additional cascading events.
New! Medical Surge and the Role of Health Clinics
Because of their extensive geographic coverage, strong community ties, and potential to reach medically underserved areas, health clinics (including Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, and free and charitable clinics) can play a key stakeholder role in emergency and disaster preparedness and response.This reviewwas conducted to learn more about the scope and level of implementation of emergency management activities among health clinics, including activities that some clinics may have initiated in response to the CMS Final Rule. Thisone-page fact sheetsummarizes findings and recommendations.
New! Jacksonville Shooting: Fire Department Response to the Incident
On Sunday, August 25th, an active shooter opened fire at competitors of a “Madden NFL 19” tournament in Jacksonville, FL. In an effort to share recent, relevant lessons from the field with our stakeholders, ASPR TRACIE reached out to Dr. Brad Elias (Medical Director, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department) to learn more about the pre-hospital response to the incident.This articlehighlights how triage was handled, the fire department’s approach to entering hot and warm zones, and how lessons learned are being incorporated. Have an experience you’d like to share? Please email ASPR TRACIE
New! Emergency Prescription Assistance Program (EPAP): Hurricane Maria Data Fact Sheet
This fact sheetprovides a summary of the EPAP data collected and analyzed following Hurricane Maria for Puerto Rico only from November 2, 2017 to May 18, 2018.This overview fact sheetdescribes the program and provides links to related resources.
New! Tips for Healthcare Facilities: Assisting Families and Loved Ones after a Mass Casualty Incident (Summary)
This tip sheetsummarizes the ASPR TRACIE documentTips for Healthcare Facilities: Assisting Families and Loved Ones after a Mass Casualty Incident, which highlights best practices and issues related to planning for, activating, and operating hospital or healthcare facility Family Information Centers / Family Support Centers, in collaboration with Family Reception Centers and Family Assistance Centers.
Additional Upcoming Events
The Association of Health Emergency Preparedness ProfessionalsAnnual Conferenceruns from November 5-7, 2018 in Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Bob Kadlec (the ASPR) is a featured speaker, and you can also check out the ASPR TRACIE Panel “Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Resources at Your Fingertips – Useful Guidance and Lessons Learned from Recent Incidents” on the 7th, at 12:45pm.
The 7th annual National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference is being held November 27-29, 2018 in New Orleans. This year’s theme is “The Evolving Threat Environment.” Check out our two ASPR TRACIE sessions: “Learning from the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule and Looking Forward” on Thursday, November 29, 2018 from 10:30am-11:45am; and “Healthcare Response to No-Notice Incidents: Practical Tips & Lessons Learned” on Thursday, November 29, 2018 from 1:15pm-2:30pm. This independent conference exists for coalitions, by coalitions.Register today!
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Information Exchange
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