Summertime, and the living is--busy! As the weather heats up, we know our stakeholders are busy bolstering your planning and mitigation efforts. ASPR TRACIE can help! We encourage you to visit our Select Hurricane-Related Resources Page, where you can access resources on mold remediation, patient evacuation, and potential public health and medical implications associated with hurricanes and flooding. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, check out our Natural Disasters Topic Collection, which includes links to plans, tools, and templates and lessons learned from wildfires. And don’t forget about our Major Earthquakes & Cascading Events: Potential Health and Medical Implications document, which provides an overview of the potential significant health and medical response and recovery needs facing areas affected by a major earthquake (with or without additional cascading events). Human-caused incidents don’t take a summer break, either. Recent cyber-attacks on healthcare and other critical infrastructure entities (in MD, OR, and in between) call for healthcare facilities to be extra vigilant. Our Cybersecurity Topic Collection can help you guard against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from cyber threats, ensuring patient safety and operational continuity. We sincerely appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out to us if you have a resource to share or need technical assistance.
In this issue of The Express, we highlight new publications, upcoming events, and updates from our three domains.
New: Medical Surge and the Role of Home Health and Hospice Agencies |
Home health and hospice agencies have an essential role in addressing healthcare needs during emergencies and disasters. Based on 245 survey responses and 25 follow-up interviews, this report (and summary, and FAQ document) explores the perceptions of home health and hospice agency leaders about their medical surge capabilities, their capacity and infrastructure for response, their level of engagement with other community preparedness partners, and their challenges to increased preparedness. We hope you will browse the entire series on engaging healthcare system partners in medical surge.
Pediatric Surge Annex Template and Refreshed Topic Collection |
The 2019-2023 HPP Funding Opportunity Announcement requires healthcare coalitions (HCCs) to develop a coalition-level pediatric surge annex to complement their base HCC response plans and improve their ability to manage a large number of pediatric patients in a mass casualty incident. Together with subject matter expert input (including members and staff from the American Academy of Pediatrics), ASPR TRACIE developed a Healthcare Coalition Pediatric Surge Annex Template that includes general headers and descriptions HCCs can incorporate while developing their own plans. This annex is complemented by our recent comprehensive refresh of the Pediatric Topic Collection, where you can find the most current, vetted information on pediatric disaster considerations.
Upcoming Events
July 19, 2019
Enhancing Private Sector Preparedness for 21st Century Threats features speakers discussing private-public collaboration, motivating private sector investment in preparedness, and data elements that can improve situational awareness of system capabilities. Space is limited—register today!
August 18-20, 2019
The 2019 Community Health Institute & EXPO (held in Chicago) allows health centers to learn more about new disciplines, collaboration, workforce development, technology and pursuing innovative models of care that target both the social determinants of health and address the emerging public health issues and challenges of our day. We invite you to visit ASPR TRACIE’s poster presentation on August 18, from 5:00-6:30 PM.
Domain Updates |
Information Exchange
More than 6,000 of your colleagues use the Information Exchange (IE)—do you? Register now to join the conversation and learn more about setting up private topic areas. Need help navigating the IE? Check out this short how-to video. |