Advancing the EMS profession

NAEMT Education Data Privacy Notice

How Information is Collected and What will be Collected 

By registering as a participant in an NAEMT course, a Representatives or Coordinator affiliated with an authorized NAEMT Training Center, and/or NAEMT will collect (either manually or electronically), store, access and/or process your personal information, which may include: 

  1. Participant’s first and last name 
  2. City, State/Region and Country of residence
  3. Email address
  4. Mobile number 
  5. Type and/or level of license 
  6. State of licensure
  7. State license number
  8. State license expiration date
  9. NREMT certification number (if applicable)
  10. NREMT certification expiration date (if applicable)

Use of Information 

The collection and processing of the information will used solely for the purposes of processing of registration and access rights of the participant to the respective educational course, event or virtual platform. 

Data Transfer 

For courses or educational events conducted by authorized NAEMT Training Centers, student data for NAEMT courses will be shared with NAEMT. For courses or educational events, in-person or virtual, hosted by NAEMT, NAEMT will collect, store and process student data.

For purposes of continuing education credits, NAEMT may securely transfer appropriate student data to the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE).

NAEMT course participants are offered with an electronic, introductory NAEMT membership.     

Recording of Education Events  

NAEMT webinar sessions and other in-person or virtual events may be recorded. Recordings will be used for documentation purposes and may be livestreamed and/or published using NAEMT communication channels.

Retention of Information  

NAEMT maintains student data in its education portal for a minimum of four years as required by CAPCE.

Contact Information 

If you have further questions or concerns regarding your privacy rights, you may contact NAEMT at