Emily Nichols, MD is an emergency physician practicing in New Orleans, LA. She served as the Director of New Orleans EMS from 2018-2021 after working closely with first responders in New York and Philadelphia during her medical training. She now serves as Deputy Medical Director with New Orleans EMS, and she practices in the Emergency Department at Ochsner Medical Center. She is board certified in emergency medicine and pediatric emergency medicine.
Dr. Nichols' EMS interests lie in prehospital trauma resuscitation, quality improvement/assurance, provider professional development, and culturally sensitive and equitable EMS practices. She has also studied public health and volunteered in North and South America as well as Africa. She was an integral part of relief efforts in Port-au-Prince, Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, and in 2014 she taught emergency preparedness and response to first responders in Cap Haitien, Haiti.
Dr. Nichols has lectured nationally and internationally. She continuously advocates for increasing recognition of prehospital critical care and works within her community to build interprofessionalism amongst emergency clinicians. Dr. Nichols enjoys spending her free time with her daughter and with her husband who is also an emergency physician.