Advancing the EMS profession

Make a Donation

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NAEMT Foundation:
Contributions made to the NAEMT Foundation are voluntary and are non-refundable.

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EMS & Rescuer Relief Fund
Scott B. Frame Memorial Educational Fund

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Gift Donation
Memorial Donation

Total Donation: $

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Star of Life Donation Program

Contributors to the NAEMT Foundation are recognized at the following levels: 
  • Friend: Up to $1,000
  • Star of Life: $1,001-$5,000
  • Double Star: $5,001-$10,000
  • Triple Star: $10,001-$20,000
  • 4-Star: $20,001-$50,000
  • 5-Star: Over $50,000
Legacy Contributor: Donors who make provisions in their will for a donation to the NAEMT Foundation.  Click for a Bequest Form.

Your donation to the NAEMT Foundation will help EMS practitioners who make a difference every day to the patients and communities they serve.

If you wish to donate by check, please make your check payable to NAEMT Foundation and mail to: NAEMT Foundation, PO Box 1400, Clinton, MS 39060.

Contributions and gifts to the NAEMT Foundation are tax deductible as charitable contributions